Side version of zempo kaiten ukemi
In a previous post, I talked about practicing a few variations on the basic rolling breakfall, or zempo kaiten ukemi. I described them as best as I could (as I do with everything I talk about here), but many times, it's hard to picture a visual thing when reading about it.
I suppose that, if you want to be technical, since we're going to the side, it would no longer be called "zempo (forward) kaiten ukemi", but more of a "yoko kaiten ukemi". Not the normal "yoko ukemi", mind you, where you bring one leg across your body and lower yourself to the ground onto your side. I think including the term "kaiten" (rotation) makes a suitable distinction.
And I've been wanting to start recording video of various things I've been tinkering with, but have never gotten around to it. Today, however, I finally gave it a shot. I had intended to record all of the drills I described in that post, but my dumb camera kept flaking out on me. I've never used it to record video before, so I'm not sure what the problem is. (I have no other media on it and it has a 2 gig card in it, but it would keep stopping in the middle of recording to say "Busy, please wait," and then when a picture came back on the view finder, it wasn't recording anymore.)
So, either I'm going to find out from friends what the deal is, or I'll try my wife's camera next time and hopefully get some more posted. The one thing we did catch on film in it's entirety was the side version of the rolling breakfall. So, we'll just start there. Hopefully, more will follow!
I suppose that, if you want to be technical, since we're going to the side, it would no longer be called "zempo (forward) kaiten ukemi", but more of a "yoko kaiten ukemi". Not the normal "yoko ukemi", mind you, where you bring one leg across your body and lower yourself to the ground onto your side. I think including the term "kaiten" (rotation) makes a suitable distinction.
Now, once your ukemi becomes more of an "air fall", it's called a "tobi (flying) ukemi". I suppose the term "tobi (flying)" is pretty generic and could refer to a lot of things, but I would imagine you could say "zempo kaiten ukemi" for a forward roll, and "zempo tobi ukemi" for a forward flip? Then, you could say "yoko kaiten ukemi" for a side roll, and "yoko tobi ukemi" for a side flip?
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